Streamlining User Actions with the Command Pattern: A Practical Guide
An important aspect of creating a delightful user experience is handling actions from users and presenting the ‘right state’ based on the action.
In days gone by, working with older view systems, we had a fairly common accepted way to expose live data or state from the view model, observe it in activities or fragments and act on it to render a new UI state or some side effects.
In Compose world, we initially started off passing view models to screens and progressed to passing lambdas for user actions
It’s common to use lambdas to represent each action that a user performs on a screen. For instance, consider the following example.
items =,
onSave = viewModel::addMyModel,
modifier = modifier
Here we pass, onSave = viewModel::addMyModel
which works flawlessly.
As the adoption of jetpack compose and declarative UIs increase, we commonly observe state hoisting and lambda functions scattered around.
As code grows, it becomes increasingly complex and messy. If we take a look at a more complex screen (for example in my case):
I was working on a checkout screen, that involves multiple actions including delivery date selection, order note input, item management & actions like adding, updating, or deleting items, as well as the ability to cancel or place an order, we would have to pass an extensive number of lambda functions. In my case, it would amount to at least 20 different lambda functions.
Let’s imagine we had to add more actions on this screen. The code might look something like this, which is perfectly functional and runs smoothly.
items =,
onSave = viewModel::onSaveClicked,
onAdd = viewModel::onAddClicked,
onUpdate = viewModel::onTextUpdate,
onDelete = viewModel::onDeleteClicked,
onList = viewModel::onListClicked,
modifier = modifier
This would only grow as we keep on adding new functionalities.
Separating state and events with a clear understanding can improve code readability, maintainability, and testability.
Exploring the Benefits of the Command Pattern to Streamline Complex Screens
This led me to consider utilising the principles of the Command Pattern to address this issue. According to its definition, this pattern involves encapsulating a request as an object, allowing for greater flexibility in terms of parameterising clients with various requests, organising requests in queues or logs, and providing support for undoing operations.
Basic terminology before we move ahead:
Receiver: The object that receives and executes the command (ViewModel in our case).
Invoker: The object that sends the command to the receiver. (Buttons etc.)
Command Object: The command Itself, that implements the execute method (see below eg.AddCommand
), has all necessary info. to get the action done
Client: The application or component that is aware of the Receiver, Invoker etc (Roughly matches our activity).
Step 1: Set up Command Receiver and Commands like given below
The Command pattern encapsulates a request in an object, which enables us to store & pass the command to a method, and return the command like any other object.
We start off by defining a command receiver that acts as a contract for all actions available to the user for the given screen.
Then we move to Command
itself that has one method executes, all the actions on this screen implement this method.
Write a Command Receiver and implementation for all commands (actions) that are allowed for users on the given screen.
Step 2: Update ViewModel execute commands
Since ViewModel implements the contract CommandReceiver
it also implements actions for all commands.
Step 3: Remove all lambdas for actions and pass command processor.
items =,
onSave = viewModel::onSaveClicked,
onAdd = viewModel::onAddClicked,
onUpdate = viewModel::onTextUpdate,
onDelete = viewModel::onDeleteClicked,
onList = viewModel::onListClicked,
modifier = modifier
items =,
modifier = modifier,
commandProcessor = viewModel::processCommand
Step 4: Commands from Screen to ViewModel (command pattern in action!).
We now pass commands as objects to the command receiver that executes
While it may seem tempting to use this in all components, it is recommended to use it only for screen-level composables (which are close to the root)
For component level design, this approach may adversely affect re-usability, and we would prefer components not to directly manipulate screen state.
Here is the link to the GitHub repository where you can see it in action.
Special thanks to Merab Tato Kutalia & Himanshu Singh for helping me write this 🙌
Thank you for reading!