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Sketch + Animated Vector Drawable = ❤️

Philippe BOISNEY
Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2018


UX/UI is one of the things I really love through my work. Actually, when you think about it, your users really don’t care about your code and how you’ve designed it : they only judge what they can see.

In this post, I will show you how to create an Animated Vector Drawable with two different tools, Sketch to prepare the assets and Shape Shifter to animate them.

1. Choosing an icon

First of all, you will have to choose an icon you want to animate. For this post, I decided to download this icon from in SVG format :

2. Designing the animation

Next, you will have to think about the animation you want for your icon. Be creative ! In this case, I thought that it will be a good idea to move the three lines, one after the other, almost as if the user started typing some comment.

So, now we’ve got the idea, we need to separate each element we would like to animate on the final animation with Sketch, like this :

Separation of each item we want to animate

Remember, we only want to move the three lines. So, I copied and pasted the main icon 4 times (and NEVER modified its size properties) and only kept the shape I wanted.

For each part of the final animation, I’ve deleted what I don’t needed.

Next, the tricky part : you need to manually reproduce each line with the “Vector Tool” on Sketch. The main goal is to convert current shapes (hard to animate) into paths :

Reproducing each line with a Path

The real difficulty here is trying to superimpose the path you’re drawing above the shape… Oh, and by default, path thickness is set to 1 : set it to 2 to perfect fit the below line shape 👌

After that, delete for all animation groups the old shape to only keep the path.

I know, it’s super tricky ! Actually, try to imagine you are a cartoonist who wants to animate its cartoon character using superimposed transparent papers… That what we try to achieve here.

Finally, export those 4 SVG images to your desktop, like this :

You will soon understand why we’ve prepared all this stuff… 😉

3. Preparing the icons

In order to animate our icon, we will use Shape Shifter created by the so talented Alex Lockwood. This tool saves us a lot of time !

First of all, go to Shape Shifter website and create a new path :

Creating a new path

Then, open animation_start.svg with any code editor, and copy the d= value :

Raw SVG code from animation_start.svg

Next, past it to the previously created path in the “pathData” field. Fill the “name” and “fillColor” fields too.

Copy SVG properties to path fields

Great ! 🎉 Our first animation image (animation_start.svg) is correctly shown. Now, let’s add the other images (animation_1.svg, animation_2.svg & animation_3.svg) to create the full animation.

Add a new “group layer” :

Add a “New Group Layer”

Finally, add inside it three new paths containing our previous SVG files (animation_1.svg, etc…) data.

SVG data for animation_1.svg file
New path from SVG data (animation_1.svg)

Repeat the operation for the second (animation_2.svg) & third (animation_3.svg) line. In the end, your screen must look like this :

4. Animating the icons

Now, let’s set up the fun part : the animations ! Remember, we want to move the three lines, one after the other.

First, click on the clock icon beside the animation_1 :

Next, select “trimPathEnd” to animate the “progression” of the drawn path :

Configure the animation settings as below :

And finally, set the initial value of property “trimPathEnd” for animation_1 to 0, forcing the path to be hidden when the animation starts :

That’s all ! Repeat this operation for animation_2 & animation_3. Your screen should look like this :

Then, you just have to run the animation by clicking on the “Play” icon…

Pretty cool isn’t it ? You can do a lot of others animations with those tools. By the way, there is this awesome repository containing multiple Animated Vector Drawable you can use inside your projects.

I’m using AVD in my current project (new release still under development) and during beta users testing, they just fell in love with those little animations… ❤ So it was really worth it !

A bunch of AVD animations in my project

You can find the Sketch & Shape Shifter files used in this article on Github.



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