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Kotlin Properties vs. Java Fields

Dobri Kostadinov
Published in
5 min readDec 30, 2024


Kotlin, being a modern programming language, introduces several enhancements over Java. One of these is its property system, which simplifies field declarations and encapsulation. However, for developers transitioning from Java to Kotlin, understanding the subtle yet impactful differences between Kotlin properties and Java fields is crucial. This article dives into how Kotlin properties work, provides examples, and highlights their differences from Java fields.

Understanding Kotlin Properties

In Kotlin, a property is a combination of a field (storage for data) and accessors (getters and setters). Properties provide a clean and concise way to handle data encapsulation and access.

Here’s how a typical property looks in Kotlin:

class User {
var name: String = "" // Mutable property with a backing field
var age: Int = 0
get() = field // Custom getter
set(value) {
if (value >= 0) field = value else throw IllegalArgumentException("Age must be positive")

val isAdult: Boolean
get() = age >= 18 // Read-only property with a custom getter

Key Features of Kotlin Properties:

  1. Backing Fields: Kotlin automatically provides a backing field for properties if necessary, represented by the field keyword.
  2. Accessors: Getters and setters are auto-generated but can be customized.
  3. Val vs. Var:
  • val creates a read-only property (immutable).
  • var creates a mutable property.

Comparing Kotlin Properties and Java Fields

Java, on the other hand, does not have properties in the same sense. In Java, fields (variables declared in a class) are directly manipulated, often with explicit getter and setter methods:

public class User {
private String name;
private int age;

public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

public int getAge() {
return age;

public void setAge(int age) {
if (age >= 0) {
this.age = age;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Age must be positive");

public boolean isAdult() {
return age >= 18;

Differences Between Kotlin Properties and Java Fields

  1. Declaration: In Kotlin, properties are declared with val or var, such as var name: String. In Java, fields are declared with specific modifiers, such as private String name;.
  2. Getters and Setters: Kotlin auto-generates getters and setters, which can be customized if needed. Java requires developers to explicitly write getter and setter methods.
  3. Immutability: Kotlin uses val for read-only properties, making immutability straightforward. In Java, the final keyword is required for immutability.
  4. Backing Fields: Kotlin properties manage backing fields automatically and expose them via the field keyword. Java fields need manual management.
  5. Readability: Kotlin’s property syntax is concise and clean, while Java’s field management often results in verbose code.

Practical Example: Encapsulation in Kotlin vs. Java

Let’s consider an example of encapsulation in both Kotlin and Java:


class Employee {
var salary: Double = 0.0
private set // Restrict external modification

fun updateSalary(newSalary: Double) {
if (newSalary > salary) {
salary = newSalary
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("New salary must be higher")


public class Employee {
private double salary;

public double getSalary() {
return salary;

public void updateSalary(double newSalary) {
if (newSalary > salary) {
this.salary = newSalary;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("New salary must be higher");

Key Takeaway:

In Kotlin, the property syntax reduces boilerplate while maintaining the same level of encapsulation and flexibility.

Advanced Features of Kotlin Properties

1.Lazy Initialization: Lazy initialization is a feature in Kotlin that allows properties to be initialized only when they are accessed for the first time. This is especially useful for expensive operations, such as creating large objects or performing resource-intensive computations. The by lazy delegate ensures thread safety by default.


val heavyObject: ExpensiveObject by lazy {

Here, heavyObject is initialized only when it is accessed, and the computation block will run only once.

2. Delegated Properties: Kotlin allows properties to delegate their getter and setter logic to another object using the by keyword. This is useful for implementing common patterns, such as observable properties or map-based storage.


class Example {
var observed: String by Delegates.observable("") { _, old, new ->
println("Changed from $old to $new")

In this example, changes to the observed property are automatically logged, thanks to the Delegates.observable delegate. Other common delegates include Delegates.vetoable for conditional updates and custom delegates for specialized logic.

3. No Backing Fields: Some properties in Kotlin do not require backing fields because their values are computed dynamically. These are known as computed properties. They are useful for properties whose values depend on other properties or calculations.


val square: Int
get() = side * side

Here, square is a computed property that calculates its value based on the side property. There is no storage required, and the value is recalculated every time square is accessed.

4. Custom Delegates: Kotlin allows you to define your own property delegates by implementing the ReadWriteProperty interface. This is powerful for creating reusable logic for property management.


class User {
var name: String by CustomDelegate()

class CustomDelegate : ReadWriteProperty<Any?, String> {
private var value: String = ""

override fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String {
return value

override fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: String) {
println("Setting value: $value")
this.value = value

In this example, the CustomDelegate manages the logic for getting and setting the name property, allowing reusable and extensible behavior.Conclusion


Kotlin properties are a powerful feature that brings simplicity and flexibility to the language. Compared to Java fields, they reduce boilerplate code, improve readability, and provide advanced capabilities like delegation and lazy initialization. As Android developers, leveraging Kotlin properties can lead to cleaner, more maintainable codebases.

Understanding these differences allows developers to make better design choices and write more idiomatic Kotlin code. Happy coding!

Dobri Kostadinov
Android Consultant | Trainer
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Published in ProAndroidDev

The latest posts from Android Professionals and Google Developer Experts.

Written by Dobri Kostadinov

15+ years in native Android dev (Java, Kotlin). Expert in developing beautiful android native apps.

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