Join the 10th edition of droidcon in Berlin!
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2018


This year is the 10th anniversary for droidcon! Let’s celebrate it together at droidcon Berlin! June 25–27th 2018, CityCube Berlin, over 5,000 sq meters of space for 5 tracks, codelab and an expo/networking area.

Our cool recap from 2017

droidcon Berlin 2018: a snapshot

  • 2 days of 100% Android talks on 5 tracks
  • 70+ speakers and 1200+ attendees
  • Key topics include Android App architecture, AI and ML on mobile, multi-platform development, User Interfaces
  • An interactive day on June 25th: sessions, discussions, and Barcamp! The program is built by attendees. Submit your idea today!
  • Android Enterprise summit: a track for large-scale projects

Speaker highlights

Who’s afraid of Machine Learning & First steps with TensorFlow for Android by Britt Barak

On this talk, we’ll get to know some basic ML concepts to clear the air around the topic: what does Machine Learning even mean? How does it work? What does it have to do with our actual brain? Then, we’ll explore how to create our first machine learning Android app with TensorFlow Lite!

Advanced Model-View-Intent: The Missing Guide by Hannes Dorfmann and Kostiantyn Tarasenko

State-focused architectural design patterns such as Model-View-Intent (MVI) have seen a recent surge in popularity. Have you already considered implementing a state machine based approach for your app? Are you afraid how this architecture scales in the real world? Have you ever wondered how to deal with in-app navigation, A/B tests, animations or ultimately how to test and maintain such architecture efficiently? This talk starts where other introduction talks end. It will bring a practical knowledge and learnings about the state- machine- based architecture from million-users app.

Common Poor Coding Patterns and How to Avoid Them by Alice Yuan

As time passes and new feature and quick bug fixes are put in, somehow your Android codebase turned into a mess of multiple levels of inheritance of views and fragments and you’re stuck wondering how you ended up here in the first place. In this talk Alice will share common poor patterns that every developer first makes when developing in Android and the alternative architecture patterns to ensuring clean code. All these mistakes previously existed within the Pinterest codebase!

ADB, Break On Through To the Other Side by Eyal Lezmy

ADB is maybe one of the most used tools by the Android developers. But it is for sure the less known. If you ever wondered how ADB is working? Why is it faster now? How is Android Studio using it under the hood? Why is my ADB server sometimes killed? And by the way, what is this server about? This talk is made for you. Eyal spent several weeks diving into the ADB source code and learned interesting things about this project, its history, the internals, the interaction with the developers tools, … It’s time to share this with us!

The Build Side of Android App by Boris Farber and Nikita Kozlov

Are annotations fast or slow, is having many modules a good thing, and what about packages and lambdas? What is the best Kotlin/Java mix? We are going to discuss all of these questions and more, and back them up with hard metrics. You will never be confused again thinking how to properly architect and refactor your Android app.


Full details of tickets and pricing can be found on the tickets page. Only for ProAndroidDev followers we are happy to offer a 15% discount until June 15 with a promocode ProAndroidDev.

Join us!

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We look forward to hearing from you. Let’s stay connected on Facebook and Twitter. Check our YouTube channel as well.

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