Bottom Sheet in Jetpack Compose

Getting Started
If you created your project with Empty Compose Activity
template, you can skip this part but don’t forget to check versions and if necessary, update them. How to create Compose app?
First, we set our state variable and coroutine scope.
is necessary to control the behavior of bottom sheet. If you set confirmStateChange = { false }
user will not be able to dismiss bottom sheet by dragging or tapping outside.
Whether the half expanded state, if the sheet is tall enough, should be skipped. If true, the sheet will always expand to theExpanded
state and move to theHidden
state when hiding the sheet, either programmatically or by user interaction.
Now we will create our bottom sheet UI,
is optional and totally up to you. I like to add it to give more rounded look to the bottom sheet.

is where you put your bottom sheet UI. In our example we have Button
which dismisses the bottom sheet on click.
As we can see from the example, we use coroutineScope
to change bottom sheet state since modalSheetState.hide
and modalSheetState.animateTo
are suspended
Finally, inside of our Scaffold
we have Button
which expands bottom sheet on click.
Thats it! It’s very easy to create and manage bottom sheet with Jetpack Compose.
Dismiss On Back
With this simple code, we can close bottom sheet on back button press if visible.
Toggle Between Fullscreen & Expanded
First, we create isSheetFullScreen
state variable and set roundedCornerRadius
and modifier
variables which will change on isSheetFullScreen
state change. e.g., if isSheetFullScreen
is true corner radius will be 0 else it’ll change to 12.
Finally, we are changing the state on Button
click. If you want to present your bottom sheet only full screen, you can delete all states and simply change, Modifier.fillMaxWidth
to Modifier.fillMaxSize
Full Code with Extras
That’s it for this blog, I hope it was useful. 👋👋