Animations in Jetpack Compose

Rasul Aghakishiyev
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2021


Animation in an application has a significant role because it helps to provide a better user experience and makes your application more attractive.

Jetpack Compose provides a nice API for creating animations in our application. We can do any type of animation, for example, alpha or scale animations. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create and use animations in Jetpack Compose

Let’s assume that we developing a news app, which shows us the latest news as a list. And we want every item in the list to slide in from the right side.

First, let’s create class ListItemAnimationDefinition that will contain our animation logic.

class ListItemAnimationDefinition(delay: Int = 0) {
val slideValue = DpPropKey(label = "offset")

delay — It will be used to delay our animation

slideValue — This property key defines a value that will be changed. It seems like ValueAnimation if you are familiar with it. It doesn’t have any information about UI and only updates the value passed to it.

Also, we should define our animation states. I will use the enum class, but you can use anything as you wish.

enum class ListItemAnimationState {

Then we should define transitionDefinition in our ListItemAnimationDefinition. In it, we will write animation logic for INITIAL and FINAL states

Let’s look at this code closely.

If the animation state is INITIAL, the slideValue equals 90.dp. And on state FINAL our slideValue will be 0.dp.

The next part is most important, it defines how our animation will work. We use a tween animation type which accepts the next parameters:

durationMillis — The animation duration in millis
delayMillis — The amount of time that animation starts after
easing — The easing curve that will be used to interpolate between start and end

Also, Jetpack Compose provides many types of animation, you can read them there

Now it’s time to connect our animation to UI

In our list item view looks like

fun ItemCardView(index : Int) {
val listItemAnimationDefinition = remember(index) {
val listItemTransition = transition(
definition = listItemAnimationDefinition.definition,
initState = ListItemAnimationState.INITIAL,
toState = ListItemAnimationState.FINAL,
modifier = Modifier
.absoluteOffset(x = listItemTransition[listItemAnimationDefinition.slideValue])
) {
text = "I'm a card from Jetpack Compose",
textAlign = TextAlign.Center

There we declaring our animation that will run from INITIAL state to FINAL state, and pass definition which indicates how our animation must work.

Also as we know recomposition happens many times in Jetpack Compose. So we will use remember to store our animation and use it when recomposition happens.

To animate our Card we will absoluteOffset function in our Modifier and pass to x argument our animated value

.absoluteOffset(x =listItemTransition[listItemAnimationDefinition.slideValue])

And that’s all. Let’s run our application and see the result.

And that’s all. Let’s run our application and see the result.


You can also add alpha animation using FloatPropKey.

Just add new variable

val alphaValue = FloatPropKey(label = "alpha")

Sets alpha value at INITIAL and FINAL state

state(ListItemAnimationState.INITIAL) {
this[slideValue] = 90.dp
this[alphaValue] = 0.0f
state(ListItemAnimationState.FINAL) {
this[slideValue] = 90.dp
this[alphaValue] = 0.0f

Then, in transitionDefinition add following code

alphaValue using tween(
durationMillis = 400,
delayMillis = delay

Don’t forget add alpha modifier to your UI



Today we learned how to create and use animations in Jetpack Compose. Animations in Jetpack Compose is impressive because it allows creating beautiful UI animations very easily. I hope it will be useful for you.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter, also don’t hesitate to ask questions related to this.

Thanks for reading, and see you later!



Android Software Engineer. Interested in mobile development. In love with Jetpack Compose