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Inside RecyclerView’s SnapHelper


Trying to make your RecyclerView snap to a particular item? Try using SnapHelper. See how you can customize it to make it work for you!

RecyclerView is the evolution to ListView. It brings a powerhouse of features. We can make it behave like a carousel or have it snap to a specific position. But manually doing this is difficult. That’s where Android’s support library has us covered. SnapHelper makes it a breeze to do this, but what about when we need to customize some of the details? This article takes a deeper look at the internals of the SnapHelper so you can tweak and make it work for you.

What is SnapHelper

So you need to augment your RecyclerView to snap to the first visible item in the list. Or maybe you need it to snap to the item closest to the middle. Or maybe some other variation. One option might be to attach a RecyclerView.OnFlingListener and intercept the events. That’s a lot of work and easy to overlook some things.
This is where SnapHelper comes in. The SnapHelper component is an abstract class. Android offers two variants for you: LinearSnapHelper and PagerSnapHelper. They offer pretty much all you need, but if it’s not enough, you should consider extending one of them.
LinearSnapHelper snaps to the item that is closest to the middle of the RecyclerView.
PagerSnapHelper offers similar behavior to a ViewPager but requires that your item views have their layout parameters set to MATCH_PARENT.

Using the SnapHelper in your project

Integrating one of the concrete SnapHelper implementations is very easy.

How to use LinearSnapHelper with your RecyclerView

Let’s take a deeper look at SnapHelper's components.


  • SnapHelper implements the RecyclerView.OnFlingListener.
  • LinearSnapHelper or PagerSnapHelper are concrete implementations of SnapHelper. They offer most of the functionality needed to implement your custom SnapHelper. Consider extending one of these to suit your needs. For example, LinearSnapHelper snaps to the view closest to the middle of the parent.
  • Scroller provides a way to calculate the distance RecyclerView needs to scroll to the target view.
  • RecyclerView.SmoothScroller performs the act of smooth scrolling to a target view.
  • LinearSmoothScroller extends SmoothScroller and will smooth scroll to the target view using a linear interpolator. The interpolator is switched to a decelerate interpolator once it approaches the target view.

How it works

  1. We construct our SnapHelper and attach it to a RecyclerView:
    The SnapHelper creates a new OnScrollListener and OnFlingListener and registers them with the RecyclerView. It also constructs a new Scroller. The Scroller calculates the distance RecyclerView needs to reach the target view.
  2. RecyclerView.fling(int velocityX, int velocityY) captures the fling velocity and forwards it to SnapHelper. Recall that SnapHelper implements RecyclerView.OnFlingListener and registered itself with the RecyclerView.
  3. SnapHelper’s onFling(int velocityX, int velocityY) method is called. We check if the velocity in either x or y exceeds the minimum fling velocity. If it does then snapFromFling is invoked.
  4. snapFromFling will do all the work to smooth scroll and snap to the target position. This requires calling a few methods to do the heavy lifting. First, a LinearSmoothScroller instance is created (by a call to createSnapScroller). Then theSnapHelper finds the target position in the adapter to snap to for the given x and y velocities (by a call to findTargetSnapPosition). This position is passed to the LinearSmoothScroller: smoothScroller.setTargetPosition(targetPosition). Finally, the SnapHelper tells LayoutManager to smooth scroll to the target view:

When everything is complete, the target view will be snapped in to position on screen.

How SnapHelper works


Need to limit the maximum fling distance? Here’s how:

SnapHelper tip: Limit the maximum fling distance

What the SmoothScroller does

The RecyclerView provides an abstract class: RecyclerView.SmoothScroller. The smooth scroller provides primitive capabilities to track the target view position and trigger scrolling programatically. Android provides a concrete implementation of this: LinearSmoothScroller. This class uses a LinearInterpolator. It switches to aDecelerateInterpolator once the target view becomes a child of the RecyclerView. This gives the impression that the RecyclerView slowly approaches the target view.
There’s 3 methods of particular importance:

  1. calculateSpeedPerPixel: Easiest and simplest one where we convert display metrics to pixels per second
    return MILLISECONDS_PER_INCH / displayMetrics.densityDpi;
  2. calculateTimeForScrolling: The default doesn’t place an upper bound on time but does ensure that if the amount scrolled is very small that it always returns a positive time (avoiding rounding errors).
    (int) Math.ceil(Math.abs(dx) * MILLISECONDS_PER_PX);
  3. onTargetFound: Called when the target view becomes a child of the RecyclerView. This is the last callback received by the SmoothScroller. We need to calculate the distance and time to the snap position. calculateDistanceToFinalSnap will provide the scroll distance (SnapHelper defines this as an abstract method). calculateTimeForDeceleration will provide the time given the distance computed above. Action object is updated with the time and distance details. LinearSmoothScroller uses this information to complete the scroll.


Need to limit the time a smooth scroll can take? Here’s how:

SnapHelper tip: Limit the time a smooth scroll takes

How to find the target adapter position

The SnapHelper needs a way of translating the fling velocity to an item position in the adapter. In order to do this, you need to implement findTargetSnapPosition(LayoutManager layoutManager, int velocityX, int velocityY). Note: This doesn’t have to be accurate — treat it as more of an estimate.
To get a better understanding of how to do this, let’s take a deeper look at how LinearSnapHelper determines the target position. Recall that LinearSnapHelper's goal is to snap to the item that is closest to the center.
First, it finds the current center view and its position in the adapter. Next, with the help of the Scroller, the LinearSnapHelper calculates the distance the RecyclerView should scroll – using calculateScrollDistance(int velocityX, int velocityY). We need to map the total scroll distance to a number of adapter items. LinearSnapHelper accomplishes this by calculating the average RecyclerView child height currently visible. This represents the average amount to scroll per child. Now we can estimate the total number of children to scroll:
val delta = totalScrollDistance / avgScrollDistancePerChild.
Finally, the new target snap position is estimated as currentCenterPos + delta.

Estimating number of children to scroll

One interesting thing to note here is that the direction to scroll in comes from the velocity. However, this may not match the order of children in the LayoutManager. To overcome this, a ScrollVectorProvider is used to get the direction (Note: All LayoutManagers provided by Android implement theScrollVectorProvider):

val vectorProvider = layoutManager as RecyclerView.SmoothScroller.ScrollVectorProvider
val vectorForEnd = vectorProvider.computeScrollVectorForPosition(itemCount - 1)

If we assume that we are scrolling vertically then the value in vectorForEnd allows us to define the direction as:

if (vectorForEnd.y < 0) {
delta = -delta;
val targetPos = Math.max(0, Math.min(itemCount - 1, currentPos + delta))

How to find the target snap view

Once the RecyclerView begins to settle, we need to find a reference view to snap to from the current set of child views. This is the purpose of findSnapView(LayoutManager layoutManager). Let’s take a deeper look at how LinearSnapHelper determines the target snap view. LinearSnapHelper walks over the children currently attached to the RecyclerView. It keeps track of the view that is closest to the center. At the end, it returns the view which it found to be closest to the center.

Creating a widget that snaps to a particular position was once a very difficult. Accomplishing this with a ListView was extremely difficult. RecyclerView made it easier but there was still a tremendous amount of heavy lifting. With SnapHelper, and it’s two concrete implementations — LinearSnapHelper and PagerHelper, this becomes painless and simple. Extending their functionality is also simple. Typically this requires modifying findTargetSnapPosition, findSnapView, or calculateDistanceToFinalSnap. We looked at the details of SnapHelper’s components and how they interact with each other. This knowledge should aid in extending SnapHelper to tailor it to your needs. Share your tips and how you use SnapHelper!



Published in ProAndroidDev

The latest posts from Android Professionals and Google Developer Experts.

Written by Jag Saund

Android Engineer || ex Periscope, Amazon, Upthere || Sometimes a Photographer (to get me away from my computer)

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