Android Quiz #2
Welcome to the second part of the Android Quiz — the quiz for those who are interested in android software development 🎉
I’m glad that so many of you liked the first part of the Android Quiz. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can check it here. Before we start, let’s quickly summarise the results of Part 1 and remind the rules.
Part 1 summary
As we can see in the chart, the quiz wasn’t that easy. Only 7 out of above 500 people hit the highest score. Big congrats to them. The interesting thing is that the Gauss distribution is everywhere, also in the quiz results :) The hardest questions for you were about Handler class and no-dpi directory.
Rules reminder
- I don’t collect any data from you. Google account is not required.
- If any question or answer is either not clear or correct to you, please choose the most probable answer and leave a comment.
- If you really want to know how good you are, skip the questions you don’t know the answer to. Don’t try to guess as I don’t provide explanations for correct answers :)
Here we go ! Psssst…Just scroll down the form to proceed ;)
If by any reason you can’t see the quiz, here is the direct LINK
If you liked the Quiz, remember to clap 👏. It gives me the motivation to create more. If you have any good questions for part 3 of Android Quiz, let me know in a private message or email me at marcin.adamczewski@appunite.com. I will include your name next to the question :)
Any feedback is very very welcome.
This form is a part of this article and cannot be shared separately.
Originally published at appunite.com.