All the things we’re doing wrong but take for granted: a retrospective glance at Android development

“Why is Android development so difficult?” A fairly common question in the Android developer community.
People often say it’s because “everything is entangled with the framework”. Context is a god object. Activities are destroyed and recreated. Fragments have a quirky lifecycle, with opaque methods such as setUserVisibleHint
, while introducing seemingly random new concepts like setPrimaryNavigationFragment
. Numerous abstractions were created to try help solve problems, but ultimately introduced even more problems and some have since been deprecated (think Loaders).
The developer must be aware of what thread they execute their logic on, make sure the UI thread is not held up for too long (but still avoid introducing race conditions). The app can be terminated on any screen at any time if the user puts the application in background (which includes receiving calls) — whether it’s been 6 hours, or 40 seconds , it can still happen — therefore persisting transient state to Bundle in onSaveInstanceState()
is a mandatory requirement for both stability and user experience.
Some of these are indeed real concerns that the developer must consider. Threading, state persistence, and of course lifecycles to a degree.
However, some of this difficulty is artificial, and we choose to inflict it upon ourselves. Join me on my quest to uncover the hidden path, and find out what we should have been trying to achieve all along.
Activity recreation and configuration changes

People often said that blocking the manual handling of configuration changes is frown upon, or bad practice.
But the system lets us handle configuration changes for a reason. If we know how to handle it ourselves, the re-inflation of the view hierarchy is much more expensive than just resizing it.
And more importantly, what about the support for freeform window mode?
With Chrome OS tablets being able to run Android applications, an Android application should (in theory) gracefully handle any configuration change regarding the change in size of the active display.

How is this fancy animation done in the codelabs? By manual configuration change handling!
So if that’s how you need to support Chrome OS window resizing in a graceful way, why don’t we opt in to handle orientation changes ourselves more often, without feeling bad about it?
Of course, we might not want to handle every configuration change, like locale change.
But even then, retaining data across config change in Activities was always pretty easy: with the combination of onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance()
, and getLastCustomNonConfigurationInstance()
Application flows
The original design

By the original design, it was recommended not to override onBackPressed
. It was instead encouraged to let the system handle the navigation stack of the application, because “Activities represent a single set of operations on a given screen”.
In fact, by original design, if an Activity was more complex, you could even nest them into an ActivityGroup (although I personally never had to work with the LocalActivityManager — Fragments had already taken over).
However, with sufficient complexity, the need for sharing data between screens is inevitable. Communication between screens is inevitable.
In fact, you don’t even need to think too complex — think your regular Todo app that can show an item list screen and a detail screen. If the detail is modified, show a toast in the list screen when you’ve navigated back.
The “standard” hacky way — startActivityForResult
Even in the fairly new Android Room with a View
codelabs, we encounter this unfortunately too common approach.
In theory, one can look at the communication between two Activities within the same app like this:

But that’s not exactly the full story, is it?

There are multiple questions that come to mind just by looking at this simple example.
- Why do we need to open a second Window for our application via a second entry point to the application just to show a different layout?
- Why do we use an IPC mechanism (intent, bundle) in order to communicate data or commands between views in our own process?
- Why do we even want to talk to the Android system, just because we’re trying to show a second screen, and communicate back?
The bandaid — LiveData, ViewModel, Fragments, SingleLiveEvent
Fortunately, at least Jetpack tries to help by making us realize that there’s a problem worth solving here.

Especially now that, despite its limitations, with the introduction of the Navigation Architecture Component, at least it’s official that a Single-Activity Architecture is preferred.
Even without Navigation AAC though, we can replace bits and pieces and make the setup a bit nicer.

We have replaced communication to the Android system with communication to the Activity-scoped ViewModel. Definitely an improvement, as we skip unnecessary chatter with the system itself, but it still raises questions.
- If the ViewModel is supposed to belong to a specific feature, and should be cleared once we go “back” from a given screen (for example, step back from the start of a given flow), then how can we clear the data? In Single-Activity setup, the Activity’s ViewModel is effectively global.
- Why do I need to know who holds the specific ViewModel instance (in this case, the enclosing Activity)? What if it’s held by a parent Fragment instead?
One step closer to the truth: a controller hierarchy
We actually don’t have to use the Activity’s ViewModel directly just because it’s a ViewModelStoreOwner.
Theoretically, we can use nested fragments, and use the parent fragment to scope the ViewModel for us.

Now we’ve theoretically detached the actual “flow” of “word management” into its own separate root “flow controller”.
But now, we’ve got the pragmatic Android developers say,
“Hold on, Fragment transactions are already confusing, and now we’re using nested/child fragments for the hell of it?!”
And they’ve got a point. Fragments are ViewControllers (excluding “retained headless”), so why create a ViewController just to host additional ViewControllers in it?
I’m actually listing this option only because no matter how you skew it, by design, this is the only way Navigation AAC is able to support scoping: via nested nav graphs.
Which is why I’m actually not in favor of Navigation AAC. I’m sure we can find a more reasonable solution.
An aside: Uber’s deep scope hierarchies
From :
The existence of shared objects between different screens means the application cannot be composed of a distinct set of Activities, unless shared objects are stored as singletons in global scope. To address this, a pattern is needed to control how objects are shared between screens and subscreens.
In short, we needed an effective scoping pattern. Since none of the pre-existing options we considered met Uber’s requirements, we created our own architectural framework for our new rider app: RIBs.
Uber had made the realization by March 2017, that the theoretical solution to state management would be through the means of observing the state stored in nodes of a scope hierarchy via subscriptions for changes in state (Observer pattern).
By storing state in their respective nodes, one particular state exists only in one place, and all other interested parties are automatically notified down the chain. “Stale state” is eliminated, because there is no unnecessary copying, and changes are propagated through the system/application.

They called this “deep scope hierarchies”. Within a single Activity, managing the creation and destruction of the scope tree.
A powerful, scope and state management solution designed on top of Dagger2 and RxJava.
However, for us, this was a bit too complex, so we opted to find our own solution for the same problem.
Maybe we could simplify this. Maybe we’ll run into a dead-end. Who knows?
Searching for the unknown: implicit parent scopes in Simple-Stack
The initial idea while searching for a new solution was that if you have a single backstack that contains your navigation state and history, then you’re able to determine the scopes that should exist depending on where you are in the application.
Therefore, any screen that exists before our current screen, is technically a parent of our current screen. So why not be able to see its scope, and whatever services exist there?

While it makes sense and works alright at first, technically we’re creating an assumption regarding that “when a particular scope exists, then we must be in a given state, and a previous scope must be in a given state”.
There are a lot of assumptions in there. Uber has previously analyzed such approach, and said:
From :
With Scoop, scopes are correlated with the navigation stack: going deeper in the navigation stack nests a scope below the current scope.
Scoop’s design provides convenient navigation at the cost of encouraging greater coupling from controller to controller, a pattern we were determined to avoid.
In RIBs, unlike Scoop, the navigation stack and scopes are decoupled.
In certain scenarios, the same view can be navigated to from multiple views, or the same view but different state, or maybe even distinct flows. These cases require special care.
A step forward: shared parent scopes across screens
For these scenarios, implicit knowledge about the parent screen is just too tricky. However, we can know that our screen is supposed to exist within a given scope, if it is created for a given flow.
Interestingly, finding the flow itself is the hardest part. Screens are evident from the design. But flows? You have to name the concept yourself, otherwise it’s implicit. (and kudos to Vasiliy Zukanov for telling me to watch the linked video!)
So for a given screen, if it’s associated with a scope, we can set up its expected hierarchy. In this setup, one could say we’re still coupling navigation state to scopes — and it is true — but this results in simpler configuration, and more importantly, automatic lifecycle management for scopes and for the services these scopes contain.

So what we can do is define that both of our screens expect to be part of the Word
flow, meaning their common parent is the WordScope
, which has a WordController
bound to it.
Once we’ve introduced the WordController
(which survives configuration changes, serves as a replacement for ViewModel
but can have its state retained automatically, can opt in to receive certain callbacks, and most importantly can be shared across screens), the code for communicating between screens can be significantly reduced.

The full example code for the setup with WordController
and the shared scope is available here.

But the best part is that controllers registered in a scope can automatically persist and restore their state across process death! :)
Speaking of Process Death…
There is a very common misconception that “storing state in a ViewModel or Singleton is sufficient caching for the application to work Just Fine™”.

This statement couldn’t be further from the truth. The strangest illegal states occur if the developer doesn’t handle state persistence as necessary.
But even if there is no illegal state, it’s extremely frustrating for the end user to receive a phone call, come back to the app, and see that whatever they’ve edited or written is lost and they have to re-do it again.
exists for a reason.
While it might not happen (that often) on a Pixel XL with 4 GB RAM or more, it’s definitely on a problem on any device with less than 3 GB RAM.
And no, restarting the application from scratch is even worse. Don’t trust any navigation library that doesn’t handle this scenario.
It is clear that we are often bombarded with “best practices” that turn out to be the wrong direction. Loaders, SyncAdapters, multiple Activities… sooner or later, maybe the Navigation AAC.
For the longest time, people had been using multiple Activities for flow control, but this resulted in losing control over their application (and navigation) state.
The moment we try to eliminate the Activity’s role as a flow controller, we face the problem that now we must create the flow controller hierarchy and lifecycle management (creation and destruction) ourselves.
There had been attempts, and even solutions for this — Uber’s open-sourced RIBs , or Square’s RxWorkflow pattern — but technically, Rx is not a requirement for flow control. Dagger is not a requirement for subscoping.
With Simple-Stack 1.13.0, I tried my best (at this time) to create a sufficiently “declarative” system that allows for simple, automatic configuration and lifecycle management of the scope hierarchy and its scoped services, in a reliable and predictable manner — the cost being that the navigation history is intended to be single-level, and the scopes are configured based on navigation state.
Now you know what keeps me up at night. Really, it’s 3:57 AM right now.
But the question is:
- why doesn’t Navigation AAC provide any solution for scoping? How on earth do they intend to share data between screens — empty Fragments and nested nav graphs?!
- why are state management libraries common, but scope management libraries (with proper state persistence across process death) almost non-existent? :)
An update from the future (2020–08)
I need to make note of the fact that Jetpack Navigation supports NavGraph-scoped ViewModels with SavedStateHandle support to solve scoping and saved-state since 2.2.0.
It took about 1.5 years after this post, but Jetpack Navigation and Simple-Stack are fairly one-to-one in regards to scoping. Just slightly different API, and simple-stack has less constraints.