Published inProAndroidDevAutomating the Android Build and Release Process using Fastlane & Circle CI-Part 4This is Part 4 of the blog series Automating the Android Build and Release Process using Fastlane. In case you haven’t read the 3 posts…Jun 19, 2020Jun 19, 2020
Published inProAndroidDevHow I published & distributed my LiveDataCallAdapter Android libraryIn this article, I will explain to you the process that I used to publish my LiveData CallAdapter library.May 5, 20201May 5, 20201
Published inProAndroidDevAutomating the Android Build and Release Process using Fastlane -Part 3This is Part 3 of the blog series Automating the Android Build and Release Process using Fastlane. In case you haven’t read the 2 posts…Jan 30, 20204Jan 30, 20204
Our Watch has ended… The Converge JourneyIn the wake of the shocking news about the 400 Andela engineers who were laid off last week, I felt that it would only be right to share…Sep 24, 201911Sep 24, 201911
Published inProAndroidDevAutomating the Android Build and Release Process using Fastlane -Part 2This is Part 2 of the blog series Automating the Android Build and Release Process using Fastlane. In case you haven’t read Part 1, here…Jul 25, 2019Jul 25, 2019
Signing your APK’s, the Pragmatic wayIt is one thing to build an app and a totally different challenge to deploy & distribute your application to your users.Feb 19, 20195Feb 19, 20195
Published inProAndroidDevAutomating the Android Build and Release Process using Fastlane -Part IFastlane is a great tool that developers can use to automate their release process & significantly reduce their release cycle times. The 4…Jan 22, 20194Jan 22, 20194
Published inThe Andela WayIntroduction to Web Scraping using SeleniumIn this tutorial you’ll learn how to scrape websites with Selenium and ChromeDriver.Sep 4, 201714Sep 4, 201714
How to MC at a WeddingI recently started emceeing at weddings and based on the feedback I got from my friends and their families, I got the confidence to…Aug 21, 20176Aug 21, 20176