Pixel perfect UI: How to automatize automation testing on AndroidHave you ever modify a dimensions file and realized too late, that this change has affected unexpected parts of your app? This is a common…Nov 25, 2019Nov 25, 2019
Published inAndroidPubPixel perfect UI: How to automatize automation testing on AndroidHave you ever modify a dimensions file and realized too late, that this change has affected unexpected parts of your app? This is a common…Nov 16, 2019Nov 16, 2019
Published inProAndroidDevPixel perfect UI: How to automatize automation testing on AndroidHave you ever modify a dimensions file and realized too late, that this change has affected unexpected parts of your app? This is a common…Nov 15, 2019Nov 15, 2019
Published inAndroidPubHow to maximize Android’s UI reusability — 5 common mistakesDuring the last few months, I had the opportunity to revisit some of our existing UI at Groupon. As part of this process, we started by…Jan 14, 20191Jan 14, 20191
Published inProAndroidDevHow to maximize Android’s UI reusability — 5 common mistakesDuring the last few months, I had the opportunity to revisit some of our existing UI at Groupon. As part of this process, we started by…Dec 20, 20184Dec 20, 20184
Published inGroupon Product and EngineeringHow to maximize Android’s UI reusability — 5 common mistakesDuring the last few months, I had the opportunity to revisit some of our existing UI at Groupon. As part of this process, we decided to…Dec 20, 2018Dec 20, 2018
Published inGroupon Product and EngineeringSaying Goodbye to SNAPSHOTs with Gradle’s Composite BuildsThere is a good chance that as a developer, you had to maintain a library. We all love libraries:Oct 19, 2018Oct 19, 2018
Published inProAndroidDevSaying Goodbye to SNAPSHOTs with Gradle’s Composite BuildsA problem as old as librariesOct 19, 20184Oct 19, 20184